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My mission in the realm of open source is to promote the adoption of a functional approach in Ruby, making it more mainstream. Currently, I am actively contributing to the development of the Hanami framework in collaboration with the dry-rb ecosystem, both of which embody this mindset at their core. Additionally, I am the creator of web_pipe, a library that empowers the construction of rack applications with a strong emphasis on composability.

In the future, I plan to use this concept to create projects with a positive social impact, as I firmly believe that technology should prioritize societal well-being. You might also catch me crafting tools for developers, most likely in purely functional programming languages such as Elixir or Haskell.

Balancing my full-time job and caring for my two wonderful kids leaves me with limited time for open source contributions, making your collaboration incredibly valuable in supporting my journey.

A special note of gratitude to: