Hey, there!

This month I decided to take the step and open sponsorship on GitHub. I reckon this entails some kind of acknowledgment, so I’ll try to publish regular updates about my Open Source status.

Let’s start with what happened last month (August 2022)!

Important notice: I won’t report about what we’re doing at Solidus, as that’s already part of my paid work with the fantastic team at Nebulab.

More robust application detection in Hanami

We’ve improved how Hanami detects the application file to set up its environment. Previously, it wasn’t possible to run bundle exec hanami console from a sub-directory within the application root. Still, a bit of recursion up the filesystem hierarchy improves the development experience at the command line. I initially took this one, and Tim, who knows best how Hanami is organized, reshaped it in the best possible way.

Listing middlewares

This one came from July, but the command to list all registered Rack middlewares got merged and included in the latest beta of Hanami. The output is pretty informative, rendering the type of the middleware (class, object…), the arguments provided on initialization, and the path where it applies. It also required some minor adjustments in Hanami’s main repo.

Reloading Hanami console

We’ve introduced a reload method available in the Hanami console. Its implementation was no secret; it was just copied from what Hanami 1 did: replacing the current process with a new invocation.

Minor improvements

We removed a leftover file and all the old integration tests. The latter will make the test suite less confusing for new developers.

Under way: decoupling the router from the application

Hanami 2 is not only for web applications, so the router is not a mandatory system part. We’re using the same logic already present for actions and views to make router configuration optional. Following Tim’s recommendations, we’ve also improved the developer experience with a clear error message.

That’s pretty much everything. However, I don’t want to say goodbye without thanking Seb for being my first sponsor (and, once more, for his amazing work at HanamiMastery).

See you soon!